A new tree benefits both you and me

The City of Morden takes pride in its Urban Forest with over 5,500 trees and GROWING! Our goal is to increase canopy cover (the space occupied by the leaves) by planting new trees and through plant health care activities. Increasing canopy cover equals more shade, cleaner air, less noise, increased property value, and a positive effect on human health! 

It is important that we plan for tree species diversity, this helps to protect against future pests and disease. Therefore, tree species selection is determined by the City. The approved tree list can be downloaded here:



The City of Morden, Parks and Urban Forestry Department is planting a new tree on the boulevard within the city-owned right of way. A white marker is placed on the boulevard indicating the location of the new tree. Please do not remove or change the location as consideration is made for underground utilities, size of tree for the space required, sightlines and other operational works. 

Tree Planting Locations

Tree planting will only take place in City’s property like boulevards.

Tree planting will only take place in City’s property like boulevards.

Tree Mulching 

The urban environment (soils, exposure, snow and grass maintenance, road salts etc.) restricts tree establishment and growth rate. We can improve conditions by removing grass and weeds surrounding the tree and replacing them with organic mulch such as wood chips. 

Using an organic material such as wood chips helps to maintain soil moisture, decrease weed competition, create a buffer from mowers and trimmers, and moderate soil temperature. 

At the time of installation, Parks and Urban Forestry will remove a 1.5-meter diameter area of turf, install a new boulevard tree, and add organic mulch (wood chips) around the tree. 

FACT: Placing any material directly against the stem will damage the tree. Always keep mulch materials 5 cm away from the stem at the base. 

FACT: Limestone used as a mulch will damage and reduce the growth rate of your tree. 

FACT: Rocks surrounding the tree give a different visual appearance, however, rock does not aid in soil moisture retention and temperature moderation. 

Helping Your Tree Grow 

Urban trees typically need 3-5 years to become established, during this time you can help your tree by: 

  • Leave the woodchip mulch surrounding the tree. 

  • Monitor the soil moisture under the woodchips and water during dry periods. Infrequent, once per week, deep watering is best. 

  • Do not install a raised bed or planter surrounding the tree. 

  • Do not install seasonal decorations or lights on the tree. 

  • Do not stake or install supports on the tree. 

  • Avoid lawn maintenance equipment near the tree. Removing portions of the bark significantly impacts the tree’s growth rate. 

  • Do not prune or remove branches from the tree. 

REMINDER: The City of Morden Parks and Urban Forestry Department is responsible for the planting, establishment, and maintenance of trees on city property. Activities such as pruning, staking, insect/disease control and removals are the responsibility of the City.

If you should have a concern or would like to request an assessment please contact us at Parks and Urban Forestry Department at (204) 362-3999 or sdias@mymorden.ca